What to Bring to Your Family Photography Session 

celebrating all stages of the motherhood journey.

family photography

As a Dallas family photographer, I know the thrill and anticipation that come with planning a family photoshoot. Having the right supplies on hand can help your session go smoothly. So whether you are planning to capture the irreplaceable moments of your expanding family or make eternal memories, this blog post is going to be of some help to you. Here are all the essential items you should bring to your family photography session to make sure it goes perfectly. 

Diaper Bag Essentials 

If you have a newborn baby with you, then a diaper bag is a must have. Keep all the necessary items with you, which include diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, and any comfort items your child may need, like a pacifier or favorite toy.If you have all the essential items with you, you can take care of any unexpected accident or event that might take place. You can remain calm at all times because you are already prepared. And most importantly, your child will stay happy. 

family photography

Change of Clothes 

Being prepared for any kind of mishap is extremely important when it comes to little ones. It is best to carry an extra pair of clothes for each family member, in case there is an accidental spill or some outdoor adventure.This again points towards being prepared for some unexpected event that might occur and for your peace of mind. Go for comfortable, easy-to-move-in outfits that photograph well, and don’t forget to bring an extra pair of shoes if the location needs it. 

Snacks and Water 

Another important item to carry are snacks and water to keep your family nourished and hydrated. If the photography session ends up being long, you will have something to give your kids and keep them happy and filled.Pack your children’s favourite snacks and make sure they are not the type that can cause stains or make things messy. Don’t forget to bring some water or juice boxes to keep everyone feeling refreshed.  


It is a good idea to bring along some toys and comfort items to keep your kids curious and excited. These familiar objects can help them feel at ease and encourage natural, genuine expressions during the session. But keep in mind not to overload them with too many toys, as this can cause sensory overload. I’ll have a few tricks up my sleeve as well to help capture those precious smiles. 

Reward System 

If your children are old enough, a post-session reward can be a great motivator to encourage them to cooperate and stay enthusiastic during the session. Think of the special treats they love. It can be a trip to the park or maybe a fun activity after the session to keep them engaged and excited.Having these essential items with you means you’ll be well-prepared to enjoy the spontaneity of your family photography session. They also ensure that you walk away with beautiful, timeless portraits that will last for a lifetime.I am an experienced Dallas family photographer. Contact me to discuss your session. I am excited to meet your family.